Tribal Historic Preservation Monitor – Certification

Course Description

*Creating a THPO is an important act of tribal self-determination and sovereignty; however, it is imperative that your monitors for your THPO Department are certified for the purpose of monitoring in the field. Certification also allows tribes to take an active role in the protection and preservation of their cultural and historic resources throughout all jurisdictional areas and projects;

*Learning about all areas of Tribal Historic Preservation, including laws associated with preservation is a key to understanding the importance of being a certified Tribal Historic Preservation Monitor. Certified Tribal Monitors allow for a consistent, singular point of contact for an Agency’s and/or a contractor before, after, and during a project. Further, all monitors in the field should be certified to protect the tribe from liability issues;

*Certified Tribal Monitors allow THPO’s, Cultural Preservation Officers, Tribal Councils and Traditional Tribal Communities to have direct interaction and consultation with work projects;

*Learn about the legal, historical, and cultural factors that influence consulting parties. Certified Tribal Monitors allow for the Tribe to recoup expenses and costs associated with employing said Monitors from the projects.

Scheduled Seminars

  • *** CANCELED TO BE RESCHEDULED ***, NV 9/19/1999




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